Company Partners

Why Lamplight?

You need to hire the upcoming generation of salespeople, but figuring out who to hire remains a massive challenge. This is magnified since most of these sellers do not have a track record. You are not alone; HubSpot reported that in 2022, the average rep turnover was 35 percent - 3 X's higher than any other industry. Additionally, the time to ramp a seller to full productivity averages 9 months, and they only stay on average 18 months. It does not have to be this way.

Lamplight Partners provides access to top early-in-career talent who meet and exceed your highest expectations. All of our candidates must pass an intensive sales boot camp. Lamplight empowered sellers, come ready on day one understanding -

  • How to prospect.

  • Conduct discovery calls.

  • How to establish a point of view and run a first meeting.

  • Shaping buying criteria and how to qualify.

  • Discover, build, and test champions.

  • Negotiate a successful deal close.

This is why Lamplight candidates ramp 55% faster and have far less attrition. We stand behind our Lamplight-empowered sellers, unlike any other recruitment company. Only after the first 3 months of the candidate placement do you pay us a flat fee of $2,500.00. If you are unhappy during this 3-month trial, we provide another candidate at no additional cost. This financial model is far less than most recruitment companies and tailored for entry-level sellers. After one year of the candidate placement success, our fee is 20% of their on-target earnings. No other recruitment company takes such a long-term approach to partnership.

Faster ramping, dramatically less attrition, transparent and lower investment cost, and a partnership built for the long term - this is why Lamplight Partners.


Students/Career Changers


Campus Partners